How did I attract more customers to a restaurant using Facebook ads?
Fill A Pita is a vegetarian restaurant serving Middle Eastern cuisine in Singapore.

The owner of the restaurant reach out to me with the following request:

“We have partnered up with Chivas Whisky to host an event for their new product launch. We are looking to attract more customers and increase our confirmed reservations and revenue. Do you think we should sponsor some advertisements?”

Work Process
It was necessary to act in a short time, since there was a week left till the event and advertising has to be launched now in order for it to be effective.

I analysed:
- Client’s social media platforms
- Competitors and their ads
- Top sellers on their menu
- The target audience (Identifying their main desires and began to actively apply them in their subsequent advertising campaigns)

- Gain clarity of their brand and value proposition, as well as the industry and market environment they operate in.
- Got a good understanding of other best practices in the industry.
- Identify the gaps in their marketing and brand to understand the next steps.
- Brand and marketing guide that we can stick to ensure consistency and effectiveness going forward which I then compiled creatives and offers for the advertisement. (Photographs used were provided by the client)

Let's get to the main thing - the advertising campaign!

1. I started doing ad tests and looking for the best combination between the visual elements, offers and target audience.
2. I then prepared 4 advertising campaigns with different settings.
3. I targetted everyone in Singapore that bear a resemblance to their clientele and people who shows interest in the industry.
4. Customised a Call To Action button on advertisement for booking page optimisation

Results of campaigns:
After analyzing advertising campaigns and creatives, I turned off the campaigns that were not producing results and increased the budget for campaigns that produced better results.

Results of ads?
(This data is an approximate, as it is difficult to calculate the exact number of visitors)
- Spent $200 on advertising.
- 40 people booked tables.
- 55 people came to the event.
- Generated $4300 in sales.
- Increase digital presence and reach.

ROI (including costs) = 2050%

Client testimonial:
Get in touch with me if you are looking for a free consultation or for me to take on your marketing projects to increase your digital presence and sales!
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